Glitch Gallery!

Welcome to the Glitch Gallery! Here I will be posting glitches, tips and tricks! Lets begin!
*Most of these pictures will be from my former account, BunnyLuvArcticPaw.

Once, there was a glitch that lets you go to the sea as a land animal, and go to land as a sea animal. Here are some pictures of that glitch:

There was a game icon where it shouldn't be,
I swam in mud,
And wash a seahorse on land.

 And there was the famous 'Walk on walls glitch'. These happen quite often, especially on a slow computer. Sometimes other jammers see you, other times they don't. The oldest version of this glitch happened because of bad loading. Other times they happen if you do certain things, like clicking in certain places and switching animals. Also, these glitches can be annoying. Sometimes you can't walk on land, or enter certain places. These glitches don't work in dens and small rooms.

I could walk though clouds and skies.
There are other glitches, like being invisible and having two of yourself. Here is a picture of that glitch:
And other glitches, like these:
Color problems. This glitch happens often after changing colors.
This isn't exactly a glitch, it's more of a loading error.
I also had another glitch. When I ran with my wolves, only their patterns and gloves showed up!

Only their patterns and clothing showed up! Creepy... 

In Jamaa Township, I saw a strange mint-green seal. 
 Even their clothing were green. Only their eyes were a different color.
Also, here's a well-known glitch when switching animals: The Princess Orangemountain glitch!

All your animals will look like this. Once, only seven of my animal slots were like this, but the last one had my first animal. This glitch used to happen to me when using the 'Walk on Walls' glitch. If I tried to switch animals, this would show, and I had to restart the game in order to play again.

Nope, I'm not done yet! I still have more glitches! Most are just slow-computer glitches. 
Where's my head?!

Half a pop-up? How can I say yes?

A flying nametag with an animal part flying above it.

A layer glitch.

Want more glitches?
(Click to enlarge)


  1. LOL Aku yang aneh >.<
    Of course you are aneh
    I'm aneh juga! LOL

  2. Yah once I tied to switch to my tiger and it would not load the picture and it said my name was knight orang mountain when my name was knight quiet ghost I was like what happens also I have been a tiger under water and for some reson on my other account I went under water and tryed to be wolf but it turned my penguin blank and not breathing and the little circle picture had my wolf it was sooo epic i was like lol omg what the cause I also had my other acount on and apparently other players couldent see my glitched acount by : zoooooo add me on animal jam

    1. Wow... yeah, I always get that Princess Orangemountain glitch thing. And, if you want to add me, just send a buddy request to HalilintarTaufan.
